This lesson will help you understand the topics that we are going to cover in this course.
This lesson will help you understand what is the role of Linux, its benefits and job prospects.
This lesson will help you to install Linux in a VirtualBox environment.
This lesson will help you install Linux in the quickest way in VirtualBox using the Virtual Machine Images(VDI).
This lesson will help you understand how to Setup Lab in your machine.
This lesson will help you understand what to do post Linux installation.
This lesson will help you explore the Graphical based User Interface of the Linux OS.
This lesson will help you understand how to install and run an application in Linux OS.
This lesson will help you understand how to play around with different Operating System settings in Linux.
This lesson will help you understand what is Linux and how it is different than other OS.
This lesson will help you understand why use Linux as an Operating System.
This lesson will help you understand different types of distributions available in Linux like Ubuntu, Fedora, Kali Linux etc.
This lesson will help you give the introduction of two common shell found in Linux which are Bash and Sh.
This lesson will help you understand how to use tab completion feature of Linux in Shell and arrow keys.
This lesson will help you understand the filesystem hierarchy in Linux OS.
This lesson will help you understand with different files and directories commands available in Linux OS.
This lesson will help you understand how package management works in Linux OS.
This lesson will help you go through some of file related important commands like diff, source, find etc.
This lesson will help you understand few file related display commands like more, less, head and tail.
This lesson will help you understand how to use and manage environment variables in Linux.
This lesson will help you understand the commands related to monitoring processes and memory management in the Linux system.
This lesson will help you understand how to perform compression and archiving of files and directories in Linux OS.
This lesson will help you understand some other useful commands in Linux like history, which, whereis, wget, curl etc.
This lesson will help you understand how to run C program in Linux OS.
This lesson will help you understand how to install and run MySQL in Linux OS.
This lesson will help you get introduction with one of the common and popular text editor in Linux i.e Vim.
This lesson will help you understand some of the advanced commands in Vim.
This lesson will help you understand about Tmux which is a terminal multiplexer that allows multitasking in a terminal.
This lesson will help you understand how to create and manage users in Linux OS.
This lesson will help you understand about Group and how to manage them in Linux OS.
This lesson will help you understand the important concepts of Sudo and Su which helps in the management of users.